Tag: tech news and updates

Home renovation apps

10 Apps To Help With Home Renovation

When you’re renovating your home there is so much to consider. Sometimes it easy to keep putting off the evil day because it is never an easy process. Well, luckily for you, we now live in a world where we have home renovations apps to make everything a bit easier. Why not download a few of them to see if they are useful? Most of them are free anyway so you have nothing to lose!

Many of these apps allow you to visualise how a design in the room will look before you have to make any changes. These are great because they give you a good idea what the final result will be before beginning a project.

Other great apps, such as Home Improvement Calcs, give you easy access to a wide range of calculators and conversions that will be handy in any home renovation project. You can find out more in this infographic from Half Price.

Check out the infographic below for a list of 10 Apps to help with Home Renovation:

10 Home renovation apps

asap54 app

Infographic: 6 Leading Fashion Apps to Make Your Life Easier

shopping appsThe technology in smartphone apps has helped to disrupt every part of our daily lives, and the fashion industry is no exception. The leading fashion apps now offer much more than showing you how you’d look in that outfit you’ve been coveting, and in this post we’ll be taking a look at how these fashion apps can make your life much easier.

If you love taking pictures of street fashion and covet the looks you see every day, download the free ‘ASAP54’ app for iOS and android. The app uses an algorithm which has similarities to Shazam, the app that tells you the name of a song based on an audio clip, except you will get a list of outfits that match your street fashion looks instead.

If you are more practical in nature and dressing for the weather is the kind of information you would be looking to get from an app, try the free iOS app ‘Cloth’ which shows real-time weather data as part of its partnership with internet weather information service Weather Underground.

Other highly useful fashion apps include ‘Closet+’, an app that digitizes your wardrobe for you, ‘Chic Sketch’ an app which is free to download but you pay a flat fee for a customised illustration of yourself and PS. Dept. an app that gives you access to your own personal shopper with a few key swipes. For more information on the fashion apps that will make your life that little bit easier, check out this infographic put together by Evoke.ie:
